Ear Ringing (Tinnitus)

Chronic ear noises are quite common and are usually a sign of a mild inner ear disease. Other causes are seldom, should however be excluded.

Since there is no definite treatment at present, a variety of therapy forms are offered which can be confusing.

Fortunately most patients get used to their tinnitus on their own. In certain cases this habituation can be disturbed making competent help necessary. Therefore an evaluation and consultation by a specialist is recommended.


Markus Reimers MD
spez. Hals- und Gesichtschirurgie
Spitalgasse 4
CH - 3011 Bern

Telephone +41 31 312 15 45
Fax +41 31 312 90 15

Andrea Reimers MD
FMH Allergologie und klinische Immunologie
FMH Innere Medizin
Spitalgasse 4
CH - 3011 Bern

Telephone +41 31 312 15 45
Fax +41 31 312 90 15

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