Skin Changes and Skin Tumors

Skin tumors commonly occur on the face due to sun exposure. If possible treatment of choice is usually surgical excision of the lesion with a surrounding safety margin, which depends upon the type, size and location of the tumor. Closure of the resulting skin defect can be either simple or complex, depending again on the size and location of the tumor.

Because of skin texture the preferred procedure would be to use local skin flaps where skin near the wound is moved to fill the defect. Sometimes a free skin transplantation is necessary. These procedures are sometimes staged and can usually be done in the practice under local anesthesia.


Markus Reimers MD
spez. Hals- und Gesichtschirurgie
Spitalgasse 4
CH - 3011 Bern

Telephone +41 31 312 15 45
Fax +41 31 312 90 15

Andrea Reimers MD
FMH Allergologie und klinische Immunologie
FMH Innere Medizin
Spitalgasse 4
CH - 3011 Bern

Telephone +41 31 312 15 45
Fax +41 31 312 90 15

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